What is DNS server and how does it work?

What is dns server and how it works

A DNS server is basically a phone book or a record of the Internet. In what is DNS server and how does it work? we will try to answer this question. to make it more understandable. What is domain name server (DNS)? All the internet users that access websites or connecting to websites, using different … Read more

Port Security Overview

port security

When comes to online security there may not be anything more important than creating a “locked down” network that outsiders and attackers cannot breach just by detecting the network in the first place. Unfortunately, even though we depend on the internet and connected networks today more than any time in human history far too many … Read more

Ping monitoring tool

Ping monitoring

Ping is a network command that is primarily used to determine if a local host can exchange (send and receive) data with another host. Based on the information returned, it can be inferred that the TCP/IP parameters are set correctly and are functioning properly. Under normal circumstances, Ping will return several parameters with a loss … Read more

Everything you need to know about Virtual Private Servers In One Post

Servers are used to store all web based resources that a company or an individual might need to run online. Traditionally companies were forced to have their own individual servers and maintain them physically. Still widely used by large companies, this has long been shunned to its high costs. For small companies and individuals there … Read more

SonicWall – A Company Full Of Surprises And An Intriguing History

Sonicwall is a privately owned company which was founded in 1991 by Sreekanth Ravi, and Sudhakar Ravi. Its administrative center is located in San Jose, California. It was later purchased by Dell in the year 2012. On 20th June 2016 Dell sold the company to a private firm known as Francisco Partners and the Elliot … Read more

An Introduction To A Network Analyzer – All The Info You Should Know!

A network analyzer is a computer program or a type of computer hardware that listens for, intercepts, and logs traffic that passes over a digital network. The information that is obtained by a network analyzer is typically used to determine if there are any erroneous or unusual packets so that efficient network data transmission is … Read more

The basics of A Firewall Test – Make Sure To Read This Valuable Info!

A firewall is an intermediary between your own intranet and the external world. Its basic function is to protect your IT infrastructure from viruses, malicious threats and other break-ins that are common in today’s internet world. A firewall test can also be used within your private network to ensure data security and restricting access to … Read more

3 Real Time Bandwidth Monitoring Software

Do you know that network administrators need bandwidth monitoring software to perform certain tasks? With the help of this software, you will be able to discover real-time upload and download speeds in several ways. It also helps to inform administrators of bandwidth thresholds breach, network load problems and just to mention a few. Monitoring or … Read more