How to check my ip address?

In this article, I will answer the following question how to check my IP address? for start take a look at this:

Your IP Is:

Detected country: United States

The above IP address is the IP address that you use to enter this website, using your browser. More about this tool see in my IP address

how to check my ip address
How to check my ip address?

What are my ipv4 and IPv6?

If you are using IP v4 then using one of the tools in this article will answer what is my ipv4 question.

In general, there are 2 sets of IP address and here they are:

  • IPv4 – It is currently the most common protocol in use as the basic network protocol. In general, each device that connects to the internet needs to have an address (think about it as an identification). Due to the size limitation of IPv4, the number of address that it can provide IPv6 was invented. Read more on IPv4 on Wikipedia.
  • IPv6 – It is the six version of the Internet Protocol.  The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits, only 32 bits in IPv4. Read more on IPv6 on Wikipedia.

By the way: IP stands for Internet Protocol.

As an example, website IP address is

How to check my ip address on windows:

There are some tools that can be used to check your IP address under the windows operating system.

The first one is the build in ipconfig command-line tool. It is free to use a command line tool that we cover on our website.

How to check my IP address Linux:

In Linux, there is also a command-line tool that you can use to get information about your local ip address.

it is named ifconfig please note the ‘F’ diff between Linux and Windows commands.

In the above sections, you were able to get information about how to check my ip address in cmd. We show you how to do it on windows and on Linux. The ipconfig and ifconfig tools will give you this info from the command line.

How to check my IP address on iPhone and Android:

We all use our mobile device to surf the web. Like computers, the mobile device uses an IP address to connect the internet. You can search in the store for tools that can show you your current internet address.

While you are reading this article using your iPhone or Android device, the above ip address is the address you are using to surf the web.

Mobile apps related to the network will show you more than your internet address. Each app with its own features.

  • On iPhone, you can use the following tool from apps store that can show you the current IP address and more network-related information.
  • On Android, you can check on play store the following apps that can give you your IP address.

How to check my IP address free windows tool:

We develop a small tool for windows operating system that can show you a list of your local IP address. The tool is a GUI tool and you can download it for free.

For more information about the tool, please refer to the Network Helper tool page.

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