How To Know What Is Your Default Gateway

A default gateway is actually an access point or IP router. This default gateway is used by a computer or other network device. That is in a network to send information to another computer or network device in other networks or the internet. This gateway is called default the setting has kept it as default.

default gateway ip
Default Gateway IP | Image by Parker_West from Pixabay

If there is some change in the settings and some other gateway is prescribed then that gateway would serve as the default one. Since you are not that familiar with what we have said right now, we are going to explain it to you. There are some things which we are going to discuss right here so that you can have an idea in the best way. Make sure that you are listening to what we have to say so that you can have the best results.

Why Do We Need To Know About Default Gateway

There is simply not a single speck of doubt about the fact that knowing the default gateway is one of the most important things for sure. But have you ever wondered why it is so important to know about the default gateway IP address and why you should be bothered about it? Well, to be honest, the IP address of a particular default gateway that is provided for a business or a home router is something that can have some network problems for sure. It is to troubleshoot these problems one needs to know about the IP address. Apart from that, there are some web-based management techniques that are used by the router. In order to know these techniques, one needs to know about the IP address of the default gateway.

Some Instructions For You

If you want to find out the gateway address in the Windows system, then there are certain things that you need to do. We are going to tell you that this process is pretty simple and will not require more than a few minutes to complete. So, make sure that you are listening to each and every single word that we say here.

The first thing that you need to do is open up the Control Panel that is provided in the Start menu. Which is present in all the Windows versions these days. Apart from that, you can also Press the button Win+X in order to open up the menu. There you are going to find a section that says Network Connections and you need to open that up.

After doing that, the next thing that you need to do is locate the gateway address that is provided there. In some of the cases, the wired network will be named as Ethernet or the Local Area Connection as well. There will also be a wireless connection which is known as Wi-Fi.

Windows is able to connect with different networks. So, you need to click on the connection to see the status of it. After that, you need to go to the Information page to see the knowledge provided there.

This way you will be able to see the gateway address in the best way for sure.

Default Gateway the command line way:

Another option you can use is to open the command line windows. Please do the following:

  1. Press the Windows icon.
  2. Type CMD once it open.
  3. Right-click on  Command Prompt
  4. Select Run as Administrator
  5. Once the command line black screen is open, you are ready to go.

The command that can show you the current default gateway is: ipconfig

ipconfig /all

Default Gateway Command Line
Default Gateway Command Line

Once you run it, one of the returns filed is the adapter default gateway.


Our NetHelper Tool:

We also have a free tool for the Windows operating system that you can download to use and see your IP gateway.

Here is the link to the tool for information and download – The Net Helper Tool

In this article we show you 3 methods to find out what is your default gateway, using Windows GUI, Command line and our own free NetHealper tool.

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