Open Port Viewer

Open Port Viewer is an easy to use GUI tool to get the current list of used ports on your system. Please right-click and run as Administrator to get the module name (exe file) of the owner process. One of the newly added features is to show the remote address IP number and hostname (domain). The tool show information for TCPv4, TCPv6, UDPv4, UDPv6, IPv4, and IPv6 protocols.

Tool screens:

Open port viewer
Open port viewer


About open port viewer
About open port viewer

Open port viewer tool features:

Here is a list of features that include in open port viewer tool.

  • Module name – Get the owner process name that open the port.
  • Source IP address – Get the local IP address that use the port.
  • Source port – Get the port that is used locally.
  • Remote IP address – Show the remote address, and name if possible, that it is connected to.
  • Resolving Name – We try to resolve the remote IP to its domain name.
  • Remote port – The remote port number that it connects to.
  • Port status – The current status of the port (Listen, Establish and more).
  • Ports protocol – What is the usage protocol: TCP,UDP, and its version v4 and v6.
  • TCP statistics – Show statistics related to TCP: active, passive opens ports and total connections – support for v4 and v6 protocols.
  • IP statistics – Show statistics related to IP: Numbers of IPs, Number of interfaces, in and out bytes and the Time to live (TTL) – support for v4 and v6 protocols.
  • UDP statistics – Show statistics related to UDP: Count of ips, in and out bytes and the number of ports -support for v4 and v6 protocols.
  • ICMP statistics – Show statistics related to ICMP: incoming and outgoing include errors – support for v4 and v6 protocols.
  • Network Information – Contain hostname, domain name, DNS server list and more.
  • Reload – Option to reload the port list.

The above features represent what this tool can do. I run on the Windows operating system. I test it on windows 10.

Port List:

In general, open port viewer tool can be used as a tool to check for an open port in windows. You can use this tool as a GUI answer to the how to check if the port is open under windows. You can always use the netstat command, netstat is a command line tool that using parameters can show you a list of current open ports. We are in hope that this free windows port tool will be a benefit for you.

Tool disclaimer and license:

This program is free software. Provided “AS IS” without any warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason from using the software.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

Without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see GNU Licenses.

Design for windows 10!


Open Port Viewer (13198 downloads )

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Please note:

  • This is a beta version of the tool.
  • Please right click and run as administrator so the tool is able to get module name of the system, and other users.

For bug, comments, suggestion or if needed please contact us under the contact page.

Known Issue:

If you see an error, related to DLL, you probably need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015.