
A useful build in command line tool that can be used to get information about your current IP address is the ipconfig command, keep reading to master it. There is a build-in command line tool in the Windows and also UNIX operation system that call ipconfig with this command you can get the current locals … Read more


A good to know command line tool that you can use is the arp command, ARP stands for address resolution protocol. The Arp command line tool: It is a network protocol and it is used for resolution of the network layer addresses into the link layer addresses, convert an IP address into its physical address, … Read more


A good to know command line tool that you can use is the Nbtstat command, this command can give you protocol statistic and TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS over TCP, and it is very useful command if you need to get information about IP address for example. It is also good for troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution … Read more


Another useful build in command that can be used to get information about your current open port is the netstat command. There is a build in command line tool in the Windows and also UNIX operation system that call netstat with this command you can get the current local ip address and the destination ip … Read more