Bad rabbit ransomware, Lock up or encrypt the data on your computer!

Welcome to our post: Bad rabbit ransomware, Locks up or encrypt the data on your computer. Ransomware is typically a piece of software which locks up or encrypts the data on your computer. As a result, you are unable to access the data and the authors of the ransomware then ask you to pay a certain … Read more

What is virus and spyware definitions

What is virus and spyware definitions is a common question that one can ask in related to security. Especially people who first audition for information security. What is virus and spyware definitions anyway: In this article we will give some light on Spyware, Virus and Malware. Tools to know and other relevant information. What is … Read more

What is a Rootkit Virus

Rootkit or rootkit virus is a form of malware. Rootkits using special technique to manipulate the behavior of the environment it is running on. If we examine the term rootkit we can see that it is a combination of 2 words. The words are root as the super user. Under Linux and Unix operation system. Kit as … Read more

The Age of Spyware Blockers

In this present time, most of the users are using spyware blockers to stop spyware. They are using it in order to protect their computer from malicious attacks. The spyware term stands for malicious software that aims to spy and steal data from the device. This includes malicious and unwanted programs that get installed on … Read more