Plagiarism means using another person’s words, ideas, or thoughts without crediting them properly.
Mostly it happens by stealing someone else’s work or sometimes it happens accidentally.
When you write an article or assignment, you use several online sources for information.
By using the same information repeatedly, it increases the chances of similarity in the previous and current work.
This way plagiarism happens and it is completely unethical and academic dishonesty.
To remove the similarity from the content, you have to cite the actual source of the original content in the text.
In this article, we are going to mention some of the useful ways that can help you to reduce similarity in the content.
But, before start mentioning the ways, you need to know that:
How to check the similar or plagiarized text?

There are multiple online free and paid plagiarism-checking tools are available on the internet.
These tools help writers, bloggers, students, and teachers to easily the similar or plagiarized content from their work.
Several plagiarism checkers uses the latest AI technology to find the plagiarized text.
The checker matches the input text with thousands of online databases and resources to detect the copied text.
To make the content exclusive, writers have to check for plagiarism using an online tool. These amazing tools detect the plagiarized lines in the article and highlight them.
Every writer must use these online tools to make sure the content they submit will be 100% unique and plagiarism-free.
By using the plagiarism checker, if you’ve found any plagiarized or similar text from the work, then use the below ways to reduce similarity from the content.
6 Best Ways to Remove Similarity From The Content
1. Try to avoid copying word-to-word
Copy and paste the exact words of another person into your work is called direct plagiarism.
If the structure and majority of the words are similar in the original content, it is plagiarism.
Even if you change or delete a couple of words from the original work, it increases the content similarity and can cause you some serious damage.
Try to avoid using exact words of the original author as it helps to make content more unique and plagiarism-free.
2. Keeping the Track of Original Sources
Mostly, students commit plagiarism simply by forgetting the actual source of the author.
They forget that from where the actual idea of the content came from and unintentionally present it as their own.
They can easily avoid this and remove content similarity by organizing every single source used in the content.
By keeping the track of every single source used in the content can help you to easily find and cite the actual source within seconds.
While writing content, be clear that which thoughts or ideas are yours and which aren’t included in the notes.
Always highlight those statements that need proper citation and try to mark any copied text from a source.
To remove similarity from the original content, always write down the complete details of every single source you’re going to use in the work.
3. Correctly Use Quotations
The third best way to remove content similarity is by correctly using quotations.
If you are using any phrase or sentence from someone else’s work, use the correct way to quote the copied text.
Always apply the quotation marks (“”) around every single word, phrase, and sentence that have been quoted from a different source.
This is very necessary because without applying quotation marks, the plagiarism checker perceives that copied text as plagiarism.
This increases the similarity from the original content. Therefore, don’t forget to apply quotation marks around the quoted words.
4. Paraphrase Thoroughly to Remove Similarity

Paraphrasing the original content is also one of the finest ways to remove similarity from the content.
This way especially applies when you have already used three or more three quotes in the content.
Paraphrasing the previous content involves the usage of using sentence and word changer techniques.
It allows writers and bloggers to rephrase the original content by using their own words.
It helps writers to paraphrase the previous content simply by replacing specific words with their suitable synonyms.
Writers can also change the sentence structure in order to remove the similarity from the content.
Most plagiarism checking tools cannot detect paraphrased text. Therefore, it can be beneficial for every writer to use this way to make content unique.
5. Using the Paraphrasing Tools
As manual paraphrasing takes a lot of time and effort, writers can use online paraphrasing tools.
The sentence rephraser uses the latest sentence changer techniques and rephrases the given content to make it unique.
These online tools save a lot of time and play a key role in creating unlimited unique content for different purposes.
Writers can use these rephrasing tools to remove the similarity from the content by using the latest paraphrasing techniques.
The best thing about these paraphrasers is that they remove the similar or copied text and make content plagiarism-free.
6. Cite the Actual Sources To Reduce Similarity
Whenever you quote or paraphrase the content, don’t forget to include an in-text citation in the content.
This helps the reader to easily identify the original author of the quoted words without any hurdle.
You can use different citation rules to correctly cite the actual source in the content.
APA, MLA, and Chicago styles are some of the most popular citation rules available on the internet.
You can apply any of these styles consistently in the content to reduce the chances of similar content.
Final Words
Every writer needs to check the originality of his or her work before uploading or submitting it.
Writers can use online plagiarism-detecting tools to check that whether their work is plagiarized or not.
If their work is plagiarized to some extent, they can use the above best ways to remove the content similarity.
They can keep the track of every single source used in the content and then can use that source at the appropriate place in the content.
The writer can paraphrase the content either manually or by using the online paraphrasing tools to reduce the similarity from the content within a limited time.
Another best way to remove the content similarity is by citing the actual source of the content by using the proper citation styles.