What is a Stealth Port Scan? Learn How To Protect Your Computer

Stealth port scan, what is it and how we can use it for our advantages? A computer port is like a door to a house, which is used for sending or receiving data to or from the computer. Ordinarily, a computer has several ports through which it communicates with the other computers on the local … Read more

Port Scan Attack – Information, Basics And Methods

A port scan attack occurs when an attacker sends different packets to your machine causing a variation to the intended port. This way they can gain access to unprotected servers, networks, or systems. The scans enable them to exploit weaknesses in computers and access unauthorized information/data. Ports are the system doors through which packets meant … Read more

Port Scanner

All About Port Scanners And How You Can Protect Systems Port Scanning is among the most popular techniques used to discover services that can be exploited to gain access into computer systems. A port scanner is an application or software that can probe a host or server for open ports. If a computer system is … Read more