Avira free antivirus is my first choice when installing new computer, in the past several years I installed several free antivirus on my and my friends computers and at the end I always return to Avira.
If we think on an antivirus the most important feature it needs is to find, remove and block all types of malicious types, aka malware, here is the software review.
Avira doing it perfect, but that not all it can do, it have an easy and intuitive UI, that make it very easy to anyone to scan the system, scan part of the system or just use the right mouse click to scan file or folder.
Another very important matric is the resource it consume which it almost non, giving me the option to continue work on my computer and bein protect.
There are some good to know important modules in Avira free antivirus that you need to know of, here is the list of the modules.
Important modules in Avira free antivirus:
Real Time Protection – Real time protection module is what let you download files in a safe way. It scan each downloaded file, to verify it clean. That the file does not contain spyware or other type of malware before you use it.
Firewall – Firewall is a software that monitor traffic that enter to your system and get out from your system. Each packet that is transferring over the network examine by the firewall. In case of malicious suspicion the transferring is block.
Custom Scan – The custom scan include a scan to some of the most use folders, like my document and the windows system folder.
Running Process – The running process scan will start a scan to find if one of the running software, and its modules, like DLL files contain a malicious code in it.
Rootkit scan – I like to call Rootkit a malware add-on as rootkit, or bootkit are usage to manipulate the behavior of the operation system to gain admin level to hide, hook objects on the system.
Stops ransomware – The Avira free version include a build in anti ransomware module, as you probably read on the internet or heard on your local news, ransomware are widely spread now days.
Avira antivirus new design:
Here are some screens from the latest free version of Avira antivirus.
The UI was redesign for an easier usage, responds quickly and look great.
The main Avira antivirus page show you the following:
- Current status.
- What is installed.
- if an update is available.
- Option to start a quick scan.

If you press the “Open” link under Free Antivirus, you get the below screen, here you can see the following:
- Real time protection status.
- Firewall status.
- Select a scan option.
- Turn on/off the real-time protection and the firewall.
- See what files are quarantine.
- See a list of activities – like software update, scan job run time etc.

When you select Scan->Custom Scan, you get the following screen.
Here you can select what to scan, from the ready list – like running process or rootkit scan.
You can also start your own custom scan – like selection a folder to scan.

According to Avira website:
The new antivirus combines artificial intelligent, cloud technologies and the local antivirus scanner to gain the highest level of privacy protection.
The protection is against all types of malware like Trojan, spyware and ransomware.
Avira free antivirus for windows 10:
Avira free antivirus is design for windows 10, it also design for other version of windows, including:
- Windows 7.
- Windows 8, 8.1
- And more.
Keep in mine that Avira free version is free for home users.
You can upgrade to pro version to get more modules that you can activate and use.
How to get Avira free antivirus:
There are some sources on the internet that you can use to download Avira free antivirus, the recommended download website for the download is from Avira website: Download Avira Antivirus 2018
If you are searching for one of the best FREE antivirus out there, search no more, download Avira antivirus.
After downloading install it and let it protect your computer.
You just have to verify that you let it automatically update with new signature database or updated software components.
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