Main Differences Between Public And Private IP Address

Many of you have heard of the term IP address and if you are an addictive internet user, you probably know which your IP address is right now. However, did you know that there are two main types of IP addresses and the fact they are completely different? The two types are private and public … Read more

What is portscan?

Today we would like to explain to you what exactly a portscan is. Because this question may arise if one worries about the security of the company network. In the worldwide data network computers can be identified by their IP address. With these addresses, such as, ports represent another logical subdivision. If you think … Read more

How to telnet to a port using telnet on Windows 10

Telnet is a small application that can be used on your local device to communicate using a textbase, command line, bidirectional interactive terminal. Telnet use port 23 as the default telnet port to send and receive text data over the network. In Short Answer: To telnet a port you can use the following command: telnet … Read more

Citrix ADC Vulnerability of Ransom Attacks – Overview, how it Started, and What’s More?

Recently, a common vulnerability of Ransom attacks reported by several businesses. It firstly caught in the news on December 17, 2019. In this, Citrix released Security Bulletin CTX267027 alongside the mitigation steps that are necessary. Again, on January 8, 2020, essential vulnerability notes released by the CERT Coordination center made headlines. So, it got confirmed … Read more

How to block a phone number the complete guide

Phones are a wonderful source of communication between people from all over the world. The aim of manufacturing a phone i.e landline and mobile phone was to provide a source for communicating and to shorten the distance between people and the phone has been successful in doing this job. Warning: please use this guide with … Read more

5 Best free firewall software to start 2020 protected

Malware is vastly increasing. As much as you want to avoid it, you’ll have to face it one way or another. What more if it’s combined with other types of computer viruses that can completely damage your laptop or PC? This is becoming inescapable for people who don’t know anything about security and computer protection. … Read more

How To Apply Group Policy In OU

A group policy can be linked to an organizational unit using the Group Policy Management Console. A group policy can be linked to any other domain or site. Group policy is actually a feature of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is used for controlling the working environments of computer accounts and user accounts. It … Read more