Network Vulnerability Scanner

The majority of people owning a computer can only perform the basic skills: how to turn it on and off, how to browse the internet or send an e-mail. Many of them also know the main steps in installing programs or secure the device so it is not affected by viruses or system malfunctions. Still, … Read more

Online Virus Scanner

When we are talking about an online virus scanner, from a security perspective, we can talk about two options. The first option is using an online virus scanner to scan our computer for viruses and other threats. The second option is to upload a suspected file to a web site that contains a scanning service. … Read more

What are the features of a good vulnerability scanner?

Are you worried about the safety of the system of your computer? Do you want to improve the defects present in your system?  If your answer is yes, then you should definitely invest in a vulnerability scanner. You may be wondering what it does. Well, basically it is a computer program whose job is to … Read more

Port Scanner And Scanning Methods

Port scanner is one of the most popular reconnaissance approaches attackers use to get services they can certainly break into. All machines attached to a Local Location Network (LAN) or maybe Internet run quite a few services that hear at well-known instead of so well identified ports. A port check out helps the attacker find … Read more

Secure Sites

As a web site owner you are responsible to secure your site, as all the other thing that you do in order to maintain your site you need to secure sites, this will ensure that users that use your site are safe from problematic malicious attacks and that your server is secure and not open … Read more