Security Orchestration 101

The threat of cyber security and cyber attacks has never been as high as it is right now does security orchestration is the solution. Security Orchestration Our modern world is incredibly dependent on the internet and online connectivity in a way that wasn’t even possible previously. All of us have internet-enabled devices in our pockets, … Read more

Basic security for windows, all the practices you must know!

Let me walk you through some simple basic security for windows to apply on your windows operation system. Microsoft Windows is the most used operating system in office and home environments. However, its popularity makes it a primary target for hackers and malware developers. Basic security for windows practices. Install antivirus software for reactive protection … Read more

Best 6 security tips you must know

This article contains 6 security tips related to our day by day computer/mobile activities. It is with strong aim to security. I am writing about short URL services, email messages and attachments, internet in the public network, home computer security, Bluetooth on mobile device and software installation. As we all use our mobile devices to … Read more

Ever wanted to become a data analyst? Here is what you should know.

Information is power. Today, this is the most important guiding mantra for individuals, organizations and companies alike. We are living in the information age and the more of it that you have, the higher your chances of becoming successful at your endeavor. In its raw form, information is known as data. It requires assessment to … Read more

Using a web port scanner to map and secure your network

A web port scanner allows one to scan an IP or a host for an open or closed transmission control program (TCP) port. It’s commonly used by administrators who need to verify the security and mapping of their networks. The main role of a web port scanner is to connect the administrator on specific ports … Read more

Port Scan Attack – Information, Basics And Methods

A port scan attack occurs when an attacker sends different packets to your machine causing a variation to the intended port. This way they can gain access to unprotected servers, networks, or systems. The scans enable them to exploit weaknesses in computers and access unauthorized information/data. Ports are the system doors through which packets meant … Read more

Best Malware Protection Tips

Malware is frightening, primarily because it is so prevalent today. Manifesting in a variety of formats and mediums, from emails to torrents, there is no avoiding Malware today, this is why malware protection is a must. It could be argued that there has never been a time since the invention of the internet when it … Read more

5 Antivirus Protection Tools

The following are some of the most popular and effective antivirus protection tools that are guaranteed to protect your computer from the malware types. Antivirus Protection Tools An antivirus is essentially a program that is created to remove and prevent viruses from spreading. However, in recent times malware is the term that is generally used … Read more

Network Vulnerability Scanner

The majority of people owning a computer can only perform the basic skills: how to turn it on and off, how to browse the internet or send an e-mail. Many of them also know the main steps in installing programs or secure the device so it is not affected by viruses or system malfunctions. Still, … Read more